Our students are on a path toward college and career. hg皇冠官网登录对学生有很高的期望,并提供高水平的支持,帮助孩子们充分发挥他们的潜力. hg皇冠官网登录在每个学年定期分析学生进步的基础上进行个性化学习, and our students are successful. Our priority is focusing on the young child, hg皇冠官网登录努力在识字和算术方面打下坚实的基础. hg皇冠官网登录提供全日制幼儿园,并为在1月1日前满5岁的学生提供提前入学的选择. 学生活动的设计是为了满足每个学生独特的学习需求. hg皇冠老牌网站通过Cognia™认证,在正在进行的第三方审查中满足最高的教育标准.
At Lincoln Park Academy, hg皇冠官网登录提供以标准为基础的课程,教授学生大学和职业准备技能. hg皇冠官网登录的课程是建立在俄亥俄州学习标准(OLS)英语语言艺术, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Visual Arts, and Physical Education. hg皇冠老牌网站的学生在六个学科领域接受指导:
English Language Arts
hg皇冠官网登录帮助学生培养重要的沟通技巧,同时激发他们对文学的热爱. 年幼的孩子通过多感官活动学习语音和语法,并为阅读做准备, 而高年级学生则学习理解和分析小说和非小说. The program emphasizes classic works and writing as a process.
Physical Education
有组织的体育教育使孩子们经常锻炼. hg皇冠官网登录教导学生团队合作和体育精神的重要概念, as well as promoting general health and well-being.
Fine Arts: Winning in America
Our Fine Arts Program, Winning in America: Dance Afrika Dance, 为学生提供探索不同艺术领域的机会,包括舞蹈(嘻哈), jazz, African, and ballet), visual arts (drawing, painting, and clay modeling), theater drama (featuring 2 productions per year), and vocal music. 孩子们可以在很小的时候就培养兴趣,这些兴趣可以在他们的生活和职业生涯中使用.
Individualized Instruction
学生每天参加各种学习活动,为每个学科领域提供个性化指导. Students receive whole class instruction, small group instruction, and individual instruction with teachers, technology and other curricular tools.
Properly Certified & Licensed Teachers
hg皇冠官网登录的教师符合每个学生成功法案(ESSA)中概述的教育工作者资格要求:学士学位, grade-level teaching license/certificate & ability to demonstrate subject area expertise. hg皇冠官网登录的老师有培训师的支持,并持续参与, research-based professional development. hg皇冠官网登录的老师对学生的学习负责,并因高质量的表现而受到奖励.
Recent News
Child Find
hg皇冠老牌网站为不同的学生提供服务,hg皇冠官网登录努力支持hg皇冠官网登录, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of all students.
Jessica Garton
Director of Special Education & Child Find Contact
(216) 263-7008
(216) 772-1336
Social Studies
With integrated topics in geography, civics, economics, and history, hg皇冠官网登录的社会研究项目打开了年轻人对遥远国度的思想和想象力, distant times, and diverse cultures. hg皇冠官网登录探索北美及其他地区的历史和地理.